Time Series Indexing

Learning Python and SAS | 02 October 2019

While we are postponing, life speeds by.

The most fundamental measures of time are point in time timestamp and intervals (fixed or variable), and the difference between them timedelta. These objects provide building blocks for comprehensive timeseries data processes.

Recall a pandas index is simply a way to label rows. One of the main uses of Timestamp and Period objects is indexing. Lists of Timestamp or Period objects are automatically coerced to DatetimeIndex and PeriodIndex respectively when used as index. Python pandas is powerful and convenient in handling timeseries. But there are also traps and tips you should be aware in order to avoid errors.

In this post, you will learn:

- DatetimeIndex

- Partial String Indexing

- An Example Using Historical Bitcoin Trade Data

- PeriodIndex

- TimeDeltaIndex

- Multiindex

- Stack and Unstack

- Duplicates in Index

- Missing Values

Photo by Derek Mack

Let’s get started.

SAS users need to be aware that pandas allow duplicate index. When we perform strict timeseries analysis, we would need to remove duplicates.


Pandas Timestamp is pandas’ equivalent to the Python’s native datetime object and in many cases a pandas Timestamp is interchangeable with Python’s datetime object. Pandas Timestamp combines the flexibility of datetime and dateutil and the efficiency of vectorized representation from numpy.datetime64.
The example below illustrates how a list of objects with mixed formats is automatically coerced to Datetimeindex by .

codePandas DatetimeIndex.py
 dates = ['1-02-2020', '4-1-2020','2020-07-04', '4th of July, 2020', '2020-12-31']
 pd.to_datetime(dates, dayfirst=False)
[Out]: DatetimeIndex(['2020-01-02', '2020-04-01', 
'2020-07-04', '2020-07-04', '2020-12-31'],
     dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)
  • From pandas version 0.20.0. there is a new origin parameter for specifying an alternative starting point for creation of a DatetimeIndex. For example, using 1960-01-01 as the starting date would make pandas dates have the same reference starting date as SAS date
  • If you do not specify origin, then the default is origin=’unix’, which defaults to 1970-01-01 00:00:00. This is commonly called ‘unix epoch’ or POSIX time.
  • Pandas represents timestamps in nanosecond resolution. Hence the time span that can be represented using a 64-bit integer is limited to approximately 584 years. On the other hand, SAS does not have such limitation as SAS stores dates as integers, datetime and time as real numbers.

SAS date or time are stored internally in numbers and represented according to formats user specified. Example below prints current date, time, and datetime stamps.

codeSAS Date Time and Datetime Stamps.sas
    PUT d1 DATE9-;
    PUT t1 TIME10.;
    PUT dt1 DATETIME21.2;
/*20:56:09 09OCT2019 */

As mentioned earlier, pandas is built on top of numpy. Vectorized operations from numpy can be applied directly on Timestamp object to create a sequence of dates or times, which is automatically coerced into DatetimeIndex object. This is illustrated in the next example.

codeVectorized Operation on Timestamp.py
 date1= pd.Timestamp('2020-01-02')
 date1 + pd.to_timedelta(np.arange(3),'D')
Out:  DatetimeIndex(['2020-01-02', '2020-01-03', '2020-01-04'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)

Base SAS does not have vectorized operations. To create similar output, one may write a simple loop such as the one below:

codeSAS Date Time Sequence.sas
 %let start = 02Jan2020;
 %let end = 04Jan2020;
 DATA _null_;
  DO date="&start"d  to "&end"d;
    PUT date YYMMDD10.;

Partial String Indexing

In SAS, subsetting date ranges are performed via WHERE clause or IF statement in a DATA step, or WHERE clause in PROC SQL. Since pandas DatetimeIndex has all the basic functions of regular index , you can use the regular index methods to slice and dice DataFrame or Series, and use DatetimeIndex to perform “partial string indexing”.

For example, omitting the day component extracts all rows belong to a particular year or month. The uses of partial string index are interspersed throughout the remainder of the Indexing section and are identified in the text.

An Example Using Historical Bitcoin Trade Data

It is time for a real life example. We use Python library pandas_datareader to get historical Bitcoin data from Yahoo Finance. In example below, we show steps to import, store, reload stored DataFrame and perform index slicing.

code Bitcoin Historical Prices using DatetimeIndex.py
 import pandas_datareader.data as pdr
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 import datetime
 df = pdr.get_data_yahoo('BTC-USD', 
start=datetime.datetime(2010, 7, 16), 
 df.drop('Adj Close', axis=1, inplace=True) 
               High      Low     Open    Close     Volume
2019-08-11  11554.7  11240.4  11549.1  11387.4  229908138
2019-08-12  11439.5  10765.3  11387.4  10872.0  483240069
2019-08-13  10873.4   9924.6  10872.0  10031.9  728247545
2019-08-14  10451.6   9497.1  10031.9  10264.7  840141301
2019-08-17  10381.5  10231.4  10360.4  10256.5   18056754 

 <span class="coding">df.index.inferred_freq </span>
#retruns nothing because freq is irregular

# the dates when the maximum took place
 df.idxmax(axis=0, skipna=True)
High        2017-12-17
Low         2017-12-17
Open        2017-12-17
Close       2017-12-16
Volume      2017-12-22
dtype: datetime64[ns]

 pd.options.display.float_format = '{:20,.1f}'.format 

 df1 = df.loc["2017-12-17":"2017-12-22",df.columns.isin(['High','Low'])]
                           High                  Low
2017-12-17               19,871               18,751
2017-12-18               19,221               18,114
2017-12-19               19,022               16,813
2017-12-20               17,814               15,643
2017-12-21               17,302               14,953
2017-12-22               15,824               10,876

plot(title="Bitcoin 2018 daily high and low price timeseries")
Figure 1. Bitcoin 2018 daily high and low price timeseries


Recall that for pandas, a Period is a bounded time segment, i.e. time span, uniform in length with a start and end date with a given frequency and has the associated PeriodIndex, we can define a PeriodIndex directly by using the pd.PeriodIndex or pd.period_range() constructor, which creates a list of periods with frequency specified. Unlike a DatetimeIndex, labels for the PeriodIndex are Period objects.

code Constructing PeriodIndex Object using pd.PeriodIndex() and pd.period_range().py
 dates = ['2020-01-02', '2020-4-1','2020-07-04', '2020-12-31']
 periodIndexDay = pd.PeriodIndex(dates, freq='D')
[Out]: PeriodIndex(['2020-01-02', '2020-04-01', '2020-07-04', '2020-12-31'], dtype='period[D]', freq='D')

 pd.PeriodIndex(dates, freq='M')
[Out]: PeriodIndex(['2020-01', '2020-04', '2020-07', '2020-12'], dtype='period[M]', freq='M')

 pd.PeriodIndex(dates, freq='Q')
[Out]: PeriodIndex(['2020Q1', '2020Q2', '2020Q3', '2020Q4'], dtype='period[Q-DEC]', freq='Q-DEC')

 idx = pd.period_range('2020','2022', freq='Q')
[Out]: PeriodIndex(['2020Q1', '2020Q2', '2020Q3', '2020Q4', '2021Q1', '2021Q2',
             '2021Q3', '2021Q4', '2022Q1'],dtype='period[Q-DEC]', freq='Q-DEC')


  • We can convert a series of DatetimeIndex to PeriodIndex by the .to_period() function.
  • If you have to parse datetime from string format before you convert it to period index, you can use pd.to_datetime(‘string’, format =’%d-%b-%y’M).dt.to_period(‘M’) Conversely, PeriodIndex can be converted to DatetimeIndex using either pd.to_timestamp or .astype(‘datetime64[ns]’).
code Converting between Period index and DatetimeIndex.py
[Out]: DatetimeIndex(['2020-01-01', '2020-04-01', '2020-07-01', '2020-10-01', '2021-01-01', '2021-04-01', '2021-07-01', '2021-10-01', '2022-01-01'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='QS-OCT')
 idx.astype('datetime64[ns]') # output is the same as above 
 idx.to_timestamp().to_period(freq='Q') # gives the orginal PeriodIndex back
[Out]: PeriodIndex(['2020Q1', '2020Q2', '2020Q3', '2020Q4', '2021Q1', '2021Q2', '2021Q3', '2021Q4', '2022Q1'], dtype='period[Q-DEC]', freq='Q-DEC')

As with Datetimeindex, we can apply “partial string indexing” to PeriodIndex. The following example shows how convenient it is to subset data by passing a component of a datetime.

code Partial String Indexing using PeriodIndex py
 df = pd.DataFrame({'x' :np.random.randint(0, high = 10, size =9)}, index = idx)
2020Q1  6
2020Q2  3
2020Q3  7
2020Q4  4
2020Q1  6
2021Q2  9
2021Q3  2
2021Q4  6
2022Q1  7
x    20
dtype: int64


TimeDeltaIndex is like a series of numbers with day and/or time units. TimeDeltaIndex can be created by

  1. taking the difference of two dates,
  2. converting using to_timedelta(), or
  3. defining using pd.timedelta_range()

The following example below illustrates each of these methods. While the examples given are mostly in days for simplicity, there is a very wide range of units that can be used.

code TimedeltaIndex.py
 dateTimeIndex = pd.DatetimeIndex(pd.date_range( start='1/1/2020', periods=4, freq='M')) 
 dateTimeIndex - dateTimeIndex[0]
TimedeltaIndex(['0 days', '29 days', '60 days', '90 days'], dtype='timedelta64[ns]', freq=None) 

 pd.to_timedelta(np.arange(4),'D') *10
TimedeltaIndex(['0 days', '10 days', '20 days', '30 days'], dtype='timedelta64[ns]', freq=None)

 pd.timedelta_range(start='0 days', periods=3)
TimedeltaIndex(['0 days', '1 days', '2 days'], dtype='timedelta64[ns]', freq='D') 

 pd.timedelta_range(start='5 days', periods=3, freq='24H')
TimedeltaIndex(['5 days', '6 days', '7 days'], dtype='timedelta64[ns]', freq='24H')

For reference, example below shows differencing in SAS datetime.

code SAS Datetime Differencing.sas
 DATA df;
INPUT startdate DATE9- @11 enddate DATE9-;
15dec2020 15dec2020
17oct2020 02nov2020
22jan2021 11mar2021;
    FORMAT startdate enddate DATE9-;
Obs startdate Enddate Duration
1 15-Dec-19 15-Dec-19 0
2 17-Oct-20 2-Nov-20  16
3 22-Jan-21 11-Mar-21 48


Many timeseries operations cannot be performed if there are duplicated indices. As mentioned earlier, when the datetimeindex is irregular, nothing will be returned from df.index.inferred_freq. There are multiple ways to remove duplicates in pandas. When the duplicates are in the columns, DataFrame.sort_value(), DataFrame.drop_duplicates(),and DataFrame.set_index() are the standard procedures to sort, drop duplicate and set index to clean data. When the duplicates are in DatetimeIndex, we can use DataFrame.index.duplicated() to get the array of boolean values of whether an index is a duplicate.

The keep = ‘first’, keep = ‘last’, or keep = False option is to mask those duplicates from being identified as True. By default, for each set of duplicated values, the first occurrence is set to False and all others to True, in effect, keeping the first occurance when you drop duplicates. To summarize:

• ‘first’, marking duplicates as True except the first occurrence

• ‘last’,marking duplicates as True except the last occurrence

• False, marking all duplicates as True

Here is an example of using DataFrame.index.duplicated(). Because we use keep = False, all the duplicated indices are shown, including first and last.

code Checking Duplicated Index.py
2011-03-27       0.9
2011-03-27       0.9
2012-03-25       4.7
2012-03-25       4.7
2013-03-31     106.0
2013-03-31      93.8
2014-03-30     473.4
2014-03-30     479.0
2015-03-29     248.8
2015-03-29     252.8
2016-03-27     425.4
2016-03-27     427.4
2017-03-26    1048.8
2017-03-26    1004.3
2018-03-25    8521.0
2018-03-25    8690.4
2019-03-31    4164.3
2019-03-31    4129.4
Name: High, dtype: float64

Stack and Unstack

Many timeseries operations cannot be performed if there are duplicated indices. As mentioned earlier, when the datetimeindex is irregular, nothing will be returned from df.index.inferred_freq. There are multiple ways to remove duplicates in pandas. When the duplicates are in the columns, DataFrame.sort_value(), DataFrame.drop_duplicates(),and DataFrame.set_index() are the standard procedures to sort, drop duplicate and set index to clean data. When the duplicates are in DatetimeIndex, we can use DataFrame.index.duplicated() to get the array of boolean values of whether an index is a duplicate.

The keep = ‘first’/ ‘last’ /False option is to mask those duplicates from being identified as True. By default, for each set of duplicated values, the first occurrence is set to False and all others to True, in effect, keeping the first occurance when you drop duplicates.

• ‘first’, marking duplicates as True except the first occurrence

• ‘last’,marking duplicates as True except the last occurrence

• False, marking all duplicates as True

The following example provides an example of DataFrame.index.duplicated() using the Bitcoin timeseries data. Because we use keep = False, all the duplicated indices are shown, including first and last.

code Checking Duplicated Index.py
2011-03-27                      1
2011-03-27                      1
2012-03-25                      5
2012-03-25                      5
2013-03-31                    106
2013-03-31                     94
2014-03-30                    479
2014-03-30                    473
2015-03-29                    253
2015-03-29                    249
2016-03-27                    427
2016-03-27                    425

Duplicates in Index

Many timeseries operations cannot be performed if there are duplicated indices. As mentioned earlier, when the datetimeindex is irregular, nothing will be returned from df.index.inferred_freq. There are multiple ways to remove duplicates in pandas. When the duplicates are in the columns, DataFrame.sort_value(), DataFrame.drop_duplicates(),and DataFrame.set_index() are the standard procedures to sort, drop duplicate and set index to clean data. When the duplicates are in DatetimeIndex, we can use DataFrame.index.duplicated() to get the array of boolean values of whether an index is a duplicate.

The keep = ‘first’/ ‘last’ /False option is to mask those duplicates from being identified as True. By default, for each set of duplicated values, the first occurrence is set to False and all others to True, in effect, keeping the first occurance when you drop duplicates.

• ‘first’, marking duplicates as True except the first occurrence

• ‘last’,marking duplicates as True except the last occurrence

• False, marking all duplicates as True

The example below provides an example of DataFrame.index.duplicated() using the Bitcoin timeseries data. Because we use keep = False, all the duplicated indices are shown, including first and last.

code Checking Duplicated Index.py
2011-03-27                      1
2011-03-27                      1
2012-03-25                      5
2012-03-25                      5
2013-03-31                    106
2013-03-31                     94
2014-03-30                    479
2014-03-30                    473
2015-03-29                    253
2015-03-29                    249
2016-03-27                    427
2016-03-27                    425
2017-03-26                  1,004
2017-03-26                  1,049
2018-03-25                  8,690
2018-03-25                  8,521
Name: High, dtype: float64

The following exaple illustrates three simple ways to drop duplicates. The first two methods use keep = ‘first’, meaning keeping only the first of the duplicates. The third method uses resample, which is a type of groupby. As an added bonus, using resample the datetime frequency is set to ‘D’, which was not set before in the original timeseries imported. Having a frequency is important for timeseries operations involving the index. For example, tshift method will give errors if frequency is not set. More on shifting and resampling in later subsections of this chapter.

code Three Methods for Removing Duplicated DatetimeIndex.py
 #Method 1
 df = df[~df.index.duplicated(keep='first')] 

 #Method 2

 #Method 3

Note: Using groupby or resample allows more sophisticated ways of handling duplicates such as keeping the mean or median.

In SAS, many options are available readily for removing duplidates. In the example below, we use SAS PROC TIMESERIES to remove duplicates when we specify the INTERVAL parameter to be equal to ID time unit. Different options are available including how you want to treat missing dates and missing data. We use ACCUMULATE = MEDIAN although you can also specify TOTAL, AVERAGE, MINIMUM, MAXIMUM and etc. In example below, we use the same data from Bitcoin Prices with PROC TIMESERIES.

code Removing Duplicated Date using PROC TIMESERIES.sas
OUT = timeseries;
ID date 
    VAR High Low Open Close Adj_close Volume;

After duplicated dates and times are removed, one can go on performing more time series analysis.

Missing Values

So far we have not had to deal with missing datetime in using the Bitcoin timeseries because Bitcoin is traded around the world everyday including weekends and holidays.

However, many other timeseries have missing datetime either due to weekends/holidays or errors/omissions. For example, stocks are not traded on weekends or holidays and therefore stocks timeseries will not have any values for those dates. Furthermore, time-based events may not happen every weekday, for example, large bankruptcies. In general, there are three types of missing datetime in a timeseries:

  1. Weekend This can be easily handled via asfreq(‘B’) or other types of frequency/offset.
  2. Holidays These can be handled using pandas.tseries.holiday or custom holiday calendar.
  3. Other causes These missing can be left as missing or imputed using various methods, for example, ffill. Missing datetime handling will be demonstrated using a real life example, using historical Apple stock price.

Further Reading