
Learning Python and SAS | 03 July 2019

This post is about multiindexing in pandas and is partially based on Chapter 4 “Indexing and groupBy” of my co-authored book (from page 131) Python for SAS Users.

In this post we will cover:

- MultiIndexing

- Basic Sub-sets with MultiIndexes

- Advanced Indexing with MultiIndexes

Photo by Tan Kaninthanond


This section introduces MultiIndexing, also known as hierarchical indexing. The main advantage of MultiIndexing is to be able drill down data without the need of using groupby.

While many SAS users have not used indexing or composite indexing, all SAS users have encountered what looks like Python MultiIndex from the output of PROC FREQ and PROC MEANS, or PROC TABULATE. For example, if you have used PROC FREQ followed by two column names in the TABLES statement such as TABLES a*b, you would have seen the hierchical frequency output. As part of data analysis, a MultiIndex DataFrame provides a useful multi-dimensional ‘view’ of data, the same way you find it useful to use multidimensional Excel pivot tables.

In a DataFrame, rows and columns may have multiple levels of indices defined with a MultiIndex object. Later in this chapter we will see the benefits from MutliIndexing for ‘pivoting’ DataFrames much the same way an Excel spreadsheet can be pivoted. We will also discuss ‘stacking’ data as a means for ‘slimminging’ DataFrames and ‘unstacking’ to perform the reverse operation.

code MultiIndex
 import pandas as pd
 import numpy as np
 pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.2f}'.format
 cols = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['Test1','Test2','Test3'],['Pre','Post']])
 nl = '\n'
 df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(2,6),index = ['Row 1','Row 2'],columns = cols)
...       df)
       Test1      Test2       Test3
        Pre Post   Pre  Post   Pre  Post
Row 1 -0.65 0.85  1.08 -1.79  0.94 -0.76
Row 2  0.72 1.02  0.97 -0.04 -0.07  0.81


  1. The df DataFrame in this example uses the DataFrame constructor assigning row labels with index=[‘Row 1’,’Row 2’] and columns = col creating the MultiIndexed or hierarchical columns.
  2. To control the ouput, pd.options.display.float_format displays floats two places to the right of the decimal. There are several different constructors for defining a MultiIndex. This example uses pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples to define a hierarchical index for the DataFrame columns.
  3. Alternatively, we can also use pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples, and the syntax is:
cols = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([ (x,y) for x in ['Test1','Test2','Test3'] for y in ['Pre','Post']])
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(2,6),index = ['Row 1','Row 2'],columns = cols)
# or 
pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([('Test1', 'Pre'), ('Test1', 'Post'), 
    ('Test2', 'Pre'), ('Test2', 'Post'),('Test3', 'Pre'), ('Test3', 'Post')])

With the df DataFrame constructed along with its hierarchical columns and row labels, let’s examine the constituent components closely by considering Multi-Indexed Details.

[Out]: Index(['Row 1', 'Row 2'], dtype='object')

[Out]: MultiIndex(levels=[['Test1', 'Test2', 'Test3'], ['Post', 'Pre']],
           labels=[[0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2], [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]])

[Out]: Index(['Test1', 'Test2', 'Test3'], dtype='object')

[Out]:Index(['Post', 'Pre'], dtype='object')

Recall a pandas index is simply a method to assign labels to rows. In this example statement df.columns returns the DataFrame column labels. In this case, a Python list of lists which are the unique levels from the MultiIndex assigned as columns.

The labels return a Python list of lists referencing these levels on the index, in this case, two levels.

Like peeling an onion, we start from the outer layer.

The statement df.columns.levels[0] returns a Python list of column labels used in the outer-most level of the hierarchical index. The statement df.columns.levels[1] returns the inner-most level of the hierarchical index.

Whether assigned to the DataFrame rows or columns, a hierarchical index can have a arbitrary number of levels. To further understand MultiIndexes we construct a more elaborate DataFrame.

The following example, Create tickets DataFrame, illustrates a hierarchical index for both the DataFrame’s rows and columns. The MultiIndex for the columns has a depth of two with values for “Area” and “When” as levels. The second hierarchical index on the rows has a depth of two with “Year” and “Month” values as levels.

code Create tickets
 import pandas as pd
 import numpy as np
 idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([[2017, 2018, 2019, 2020],
...                          [1, 2, 3]],
...                  names = ['Year', 'Month'])
 columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['City' , 'Suburbs', 'Rural'],
...                          ['Day' , 'Night']],
...                  names = ['Area', 'When'])
 data = np.round(np.random.randn(12, 6),2)
 data = abs(np.floor_divide(data[:] * 100, 5))

 tickets = pd.DataFrame(data, index=idx, columns = columns).
Area        City       Rural       Suburbs
When         Day Night   Day Night     Day Night
Year Month
2015 1      15.0  18.0   9.0   3.0     3.0   3.0
     2      11.0  18.0   3.0  30.0    42.0  15.0
     3       5.0  54.0   7.0   6.0    14.0  18.0
2016 1      11.0  17.0   1.0   0.0    11.0  26.0
     2       7.0  23.0   3.0   5.0    19.0   2.0
     3       9.0  17.0  31.0  48.0     2.0  17.0
2017 1      21.0   5.0  22.0  10.0    12.0   2.0
     2       5.0  33.0  19.0   2.0     7.0  10.0
     3      31.0  12.0  19.0  17.0    14.0   2.0
2018 1      25.0  10.0   8.0   4.0    20.0  15.0
     2      35.0  14.0   9.0  14.0    10.0   1.0
     3       3.0  32.0  33.0  21.0    24.0   6.0

The print(tickets.index) statement returns the MultiIndex levels and labels assigned to the rows. To sub-set DataFrame rows we refer to: [2015, 2016, 2017, 2018] as the outer level of the MultiIndex to indicate Year and: [1, 2, 3] as the inner level of the MultiIndex to indicate Month to compose the row slices.

Similarly, to sub-set columns, we refer to: [‘City’, ‘Rural’, ‘Suburbs’] as the outer levels of the of the MultiIndex to indicate Area and: [‘Day’, ‘Night’] as the inner portion of the MultiIndex to indicate When for the column slices. Together, row and column slices determine the DataFrame subset.

In the example below, we use PROC TABULATE to render output shaped like the tickets DataFrame from Python. Since the Python code and SAS code call different random number generators the values created, while similar, differ between the DataFrame and the SAS dataset.

codeTickets Dataset from PROC
4  data tickets;
5  length Area $ 7
6         When $  9;
7  call streaminit(123456);
8  do year = 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018;
9    do month = 1, 2, 3;
10        do area = 'City', 'Rural', 'Suburbs';
11           do when = 'Day', 'Night';
12              tickets = abs(int((rand('Normal')*100)/5));
13              output;
14         end;
15        end;
16     end;
17  end;

NOTE: The data set WORK.TICKETS has 72 observations and 5 variables.

18 proc tabulate;
19    var tickets;;
20    class area when year month;
21          table year * month ,
22                area=' ' * when=' ' * sum=' ' * tickets=' ';
23  run;

The DATA step uses nested DO/END blocks generating the class variables area, when, year, and month. The tickets variable is created with nested functions working from the inside out:

  1. The RAND function draws values from the normal distribution random number generator. These values are then multiplied by 100 and the product is divided by 5.

  2. The INT function returns the integer portion of the value

  3. The ABS function returns the absolute value

PROC TABULATE illustrates the TABLE statement syntax that constructs this particular output:

TABLE year * month ,
      area=' ' * when=' ' * sum=' ' * tickets=' ';

The row dimension crosses * the month variable with the year variable. The column dimension crosses * values for tickets with the area variable which in turn is crossed * with the when variable and together they are crossed with the summed value for the tickets variable.

Basic Sub-sets with MultiIndexes

With the tickets DataFrame created having hierarchical indexes for rows and columns, we can apply a range of methods for sub setting as well as applying condition-based logic as filtering criteria.

An important feature of hierarchical indexing is the ability to select data by a “partial” label identifying a subgroup in the data. Partial selection “drops” levels of the hierarchical index from the results using methods analogous to row and column slicing for regular DataFrames.

code Identify Subgroups with
When         Day  Night
Year Month
2015 1       9.0    3.0
     2       3.0   30.0
     3       7.0    6.0
2016 1       1.0    0.0
     2       3.0    5.0
     3      31.0   48.0
2017 1      22.0   10.0
     2      19.0    2.0
     3      19.0   17.0
2018 1       8.0    4.0
     2       9.0   14.0
     3      33.0   21.0

In this example the [ ] operator returns a subset of the tickets DataFrame from the level Rural. In this case Rural designates one of three values from the outer level of the column hierarchical index. Because there is no explicit row selection all rows are returned.

In the following example, Identify Subgroups with MultiIndexing, answers the question: for each month how many tickets were issued in the city at night?

codeIdentify Subgroups with
 tickets['City', 'Night']
Year  Month
2015  1        18.0
      2        18.0
      3        54.0
2016  1        17.0
      2        23.0
      3        17.0
2017  1         5.0
      2        33.0
      3        12.0
2018  1        10.0
      2        14.0
      3        32.0

This example illustrates selecting with both levels of the column MultiIndex. City is from the outer-most level of the hierarchical index and Night is from the inner-most level.

Recall that most subsetting and slicing operations return a DataFrame. The following example, Sum Tickets to New DataFrame, illustrates creating a new DataFrame. In this example the sum function is applied to the tickets DataFrame elements returning the sum of all tickets by year. These summed values create the new DataFrame sum_tickets.

codeSum Tickets to New
 sum_tickets = tickets.sum(level = 'Year')
Area   City        Rural      Suburbs
When   Day  Night  Day  Night Day  Night
2015  31.0  90.0  19.0  39.0  59.0  36.0
2016  27.0  57.0  35.0  53.0  32.0  45.0
2017  57.0  50.0  60.0  29.0  33.0  14.0
2018  63.0  56.0  50.0  39.0  54.0  22.0

Use the axis = 1 argument to apply the sum function along a column with the syntax:

sum_tickets2 = tickets.sum(level = 'Area', axis=1)

The following example illustrates using PROC TABULATE to render the same report as well as create the sum_tickets dataset.

codePROC TABULATE Report and New
4 ods output 
5     table = sum_tickets (keep = area
6                                  when
7                                  year
8                                  tickets_sum);
9 proc tabulate data=tickets;
10    var tickets;
11    class area when year;
12          table year,
13          area=' ' * when=' ' * sum=' ' * tickets=' ';run;

NOTE: The data set WORK.SUM_TICKETS has 24 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: There were 72 observations read from the data set WORK.TICKETS.

14 ods output close;
15 proc print data = sum_tickets;
16 run;
NOTE: There were 24 observations read from the data set WORK.SUM_TICKETS.

The default statistic for PROC TABULATE is sum and is applied to the variable tickets using the VAR statement. The TABLE statement arranges the output similar to the output in the following example. The PROC TABULATE output is presented Tickets Summed with PROC TABULATE.

Tickets Summed with PROC TABULATE In order to create the output dataset sum_tickets, the syntax

ods output 
   table = sum_tickets (keep = area

opens the ODS destination sum_tickets, as an output SAS dataset with a KEEP list of variables. This method for summarization is an alternative to calling PROC SUMMARY/MEANS or PROC SQL.

In the following example, Summarizing tickets Dataset with PROC SUMMARY, illustrates the more convential method for producing the same ‘rolled-up’, or summarized dataset.

codeSummarizing tickets Dataset with PROC
4  proc summary data = tickets
5               nway
6               noprint;
7     class area
8           when
9           year;
10     output out=sum_tickets(keep=area when year tickets_sum)
11            sum(tickets)=tickets_sum;
NOTE: There were 72 observations read from the data set WORK.TICKETS.
NOTE: The data set WORK.SUM_TICKETS has 24 observations and 4 variables.

The NWAY option requests a combination for all levels of variable values listed on the CLASS statement. The sum(tickets)=tickets_sum option then sums the number of tickets for each NWAY crossing.

Advanced Indexing with MultiIndexes

Earlier in the chapter we detailed the .loc indexer for slicing rows and columns with indexed DataFrames. See the section entitled, Return Rows and Columns by Label in this chapter. Slicing rows and columns with the .loc indexer can be used with a MultiIndexed DataFrame using similar syntax. The .loc indexer supports Boolean logic for filtering criteria.

The .loc indexer enables partial slicing using hierarchically indexed rows and/or columns. Begin by returning the DataFrame along with its index and columns information in the example below, Return Ticket Index and Column Levels.

codeReturn Ticket Index and Column
MultiIndex(levels=[[2015, 2016, 2017, 2018], [1, 2, 3]],
           codes=[[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3], [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]],
           names=['Year', 'Month'])
MultiIndex(levels=[['City', 'Rural', 'Suburbs'], ['Day', 'Night']],
           codes=[[0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]],
           names=['Area', 'When'])

The .loc indexer takes as arguments, slicers to determine the DataFrame sub-set of interest. In the following example, Year Slice 2018, illustrates returning all rows for year 2018.

codeYear Slice
Area   City       Rural       Suburbs
When    Day Night   Day Night     Day Night
1      25.0  10.0   8.0   4.0    20.0  15.0
2      35.0  14.0   9.0  14.0    10.0   1.0
3       3.0  32.0  33.0  21.0    24.0   6.0

In this case, the rows are sliced returning those with the MultiIndex level for Year equal to 2018. And because no column slicer is provided all columns are returned. We can slice Year level for 2018 and Month level for 3 illustrated in the following example.

codeSlice Year 2018 and Month
 tickets.loc[2018, 3, :]
Area       City       Rural       Suburbs
When        Day Night   Day Night     Day Night
Year Month
2018 3      3.0  32.0  33.0  21.0    24.0   6.0

In this example, level 2018 denotes the outer row slice and 3 denotes the inner row slice. This subset-sets the DataFrame by returning month 3 for every year. The column slice follows the second comma. Again, with no column slice provided, denoted by the colon : all columns are returned.

codeSlice Year 2018 and Month
 tickets.loc[2018, 3, :]
Area       City       Rural       Suburbs
When        Day Night   Day Night     Day Night
Year Month
2018 3      3.0  32.0  33.0  21.0    24.0   6.0
Slicing Rows and Columns

Consider the example below, Slice Month 3 for all Years. In this example we wish to return the 3rd month for each year. Based on what we have learned about row and column slicing up to this point, it is reasonable to conclude the statement:


is the appropirate syntax. However, this syntax raises an error since it is illeagl to use a colon inside a tuple constructor. Recall a tuple is an immutable sequence of items enclosed by parenthesis. As a convenience the Python’s built-in slice(None) function selects all the content for a level. In this case we want month level 3 for all years.

code Slice Month 3 for all
>>> tickets.loc[(slice(None), 3), :]
Area        City       Rural       Suburbs
When         Day Night   Day Night     Day Night
Year Month
2015 3       5.0  54.0   7.0   6.0    14.0  18.0
2016 3       9.0  17.0  31.0  48.0     2.0  17.0
2017 3      31.0  12.0  19.0  17.0    14.0   2.0
2018 3       3.0  32.0  33.0  21.0    24.0   6.0

The syntax slice(None) is the slicer for the Year column which includes all values for a given level, in this case, 2015 to 2018 followed by 3 to designate the level for month. All columns are returned since no column slicer was given. Another way to request this same sub-set is:

tickets.loc[(slice(None), slice(3,3)), :]

Consider the request for all years and months 2 and 3 as the row slicer in the following example, Slice Months 2 and 3 for all Years.

code Slice Months 2 and 3 for all
>>> tickets.loc[(slice(None), slice(2,3)), :]
Area        City       Rural       Suburbs
When         Day Night   Day Night     Day Night
Year Month
2015 2      11.0  18.0   3.0  30.0    42.0  15.0
     3       5.0  54.0   7.0   6.0    14.0  18.0
2016 2       7.0  23.0   3.0   5.0    19.0   2.0
     3       9.0  17.0  31.0  48.0     2.0  17.0
2017 2       5.0  33.0  19.0   2.0     7.0  10.0
     3      31.0  12.0  19.0  17.0    14.0   2.0
2018 2      35.0  14.0   9.0  14.0    10.0   1.0
     3       3.0  32.0  33.0  21.0    24.0   6.0

Alternatively, the same results are accomplished with the syntax:

idx_obj = ((slice(None), slice(2,3)), slice(None))

This syntax helps in further understanding exactly how the slicing operation is performed.

  1. The first slice(None) requests all of the rows for the outer row label, years 2015 to 2018.
  2. slice(2,3) returns months 2 and 3 for inner row label.
  3. The last slice(None) requests all columns, that is, both the outer column Area and the inner column When.

Fairly quickly, however, we begin to have difficulty supplying a collection of tuples for the slicers used by the .loc indexer. Fortunately, Pandas provides the IndexSlice object to deal with this situation.

Consider the example below IndexSlice Object, as an alternative to the example, IndexSlice Object.

code IndexSlice
>>> idx = pd.IndexSlice
>>> tickets.loc[idx[2015:2018, 2:3], :]
Area        City       Rural       Suburbs
When         Day Night   Day Night     Day Night
Year Month
2015 2      11.0  18.0   3.0  30.0    42.0  15.0
     3       5.0  54.0   7.0   6.0    14.0  18.0
2016 2       7.0  23.0   3.0   5.0    19.0   2.0
     3       9.0  17.0  31.0  48.0     2.0  17.0
2017 2       5.0  33.0  19.0   2.0     7.0  10.0
     3      31.0  12.0  19.0  17.0    14.0   2.0
2018 2      35.0  14.0   9.0  14.0    10.0   1.0
     3       3.0  32.0  33.0  21.0    24.0   6.0

The IndexSlice object provides a more natural syntax for slicing operations on MultiIndexed rows and columns.

In this case, the slice: tickets.loc[idx[2015:2018, 2:3], :] return years 2015:2018 inclusive on the outer level of the MultiIndex for the rows and months 2 and 3 inclusive on the inner level. The colon (:) designates the start and stop positions for these row labels. Following the row slicer is a comma (,) to designate the column slicer. With no explicit column slices defined all columns are returned.

Consider the following example, Slicing Rows and Columns, Example 1.

code Slicing Rows and Columns, Example
>>> idx = pd.IndexSlice
>>> tickets.loc[idx[2018:, 2:3 ], 'City' : 'Rural']
Area        City       Rural
When         Day Night   Day Night
Year Month
2018 2      35.0  14.0   9.0  14.0
     3       3.0  32.0  33.0  21.0

The row slicer returns levels 2018 for Year on the outer level of the MultiIndex and 2 and 3 from Month on the inner level. The column slicer returns the levels City and Rural from Area on the outer level of the MultiIndex. In this example, the column slicer did not slice along the inner level of the MultiIndex on When.

In the following example, Slicing Rows and Slicing Columns, Example 2, illustrates details for slicing columns.

code Rolling Count-based Window vs Time-based Window for Regular
>>> idx = pd.IndexSlice
>>> tickets.loc[idx[2018:, 2:3 ], idx['City', 'Day' : 'Night']]
Area        City
When         Day Night
Year Month
2018 2      35.0  14.0
     3       3.0  32.0

The row slicer returns levels 2018 for Year on the outer level of the MultiIndex and 2 and 3 from Month on the inner level. The column slicer returns the levels City for Area on the outer level of the MultiIndex and the levels Day and Night on the inner level from When.

Examples from work

Reduce a dataframe to a dataframe with only numbers

When you become comfortable with multi-indexing, you will feel even more powerful at “manipulating” data. For example, say you have a set of tables with company quarterly financials by region, department, and other categories. You can lump all the catagorical columns into one multi-index, with only financial values by quarter remaining, where the columns are “Q1”, “Q2”,…,”Qn”.

Since all the tables are numbers, you can first sort each of the tables by index (sorting them by index is very important otherwise the result would be wrong). Adding checks will help ensuring this is done.

     print("index not matched")

You can perform interpolations, regressions, etc. directly using each table as an element in the computations. For example,


After you have achieved what you need to do with the numbers, you can then release the multi-index back to the columns using a simple .reset_index(drop=False) command.

Joining on index

If you don’t want to write merge on which keys, you can put the keys in the index. That way, all you have to do is use .join() in pandas and let it handle the rest.

Use list of tuples (multiindex) to filter a dataframe

Sometimes you have a list of idenfiers in the form of a list of tuples,say each has two elements. The list can always be used as multiinex or obtained from multiindex. And you have a dataframe df. You want to get all the rows from df where two columns match the tuples.

df.merge(pd.DataFrame(tuple_list, columns=['col_1','col_2']))