US Government Interest Rates

inflation, FRED, data analysis | 15 March 2022

Under this mighty topic of interest rate, in this post I explore interest rates from 1970s and try to understand them in more details in exact dates and actions in history.

One of the motivation is to get a bit of crystal ball on inflation and recession. If I have longer data, I would like to study on wars as well.

We had lived in a world with low inflation in the US coming out of a decade of less than 2.5% YoY inflation rate. China inflation rate is less than 4%, India 6%, and Japan only at 0.5%. It is hard to imagine how inflation possibly could get any worse than the current +7% in the US, and 5.8% in Europe (average) in the West. But it very well likely can.

MEV frequency meaning date
PALLFNFINDEXQ quarterly global commodities first of quarter
CPIAUCSL monthly cpi first of month
PPIACO monthly producers index first of month
USSTHPI quarterly hpi first of quarter
FEDFUNDS monthly fed funds rate first of month
DGS10 daily 10-Year Treasury rate nan
DGS2 daily 2-Year Treasury rate nan
TB3MS monthly 3-month Treasury bill first of month
UNRATE monthly unemployment rate first of month
GDP quarterly Nominal GDP first of quarter
GDPC1 quarterly Inflation adjusted GDP first of quarter
import as web    # pandas 0.19.x and later
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
lt = ["FEDFUNDS","DGS10",   "DGS2",    "TB3MS",   "UNRATE",  "GDP",     "GDPC1"]
ss_lt =[]
start = pd.Timestamp('1960-1-1')
end =
for i in lt:
    ss =web.DataReader(i, "fred", start, end)
df = pd.concat(ss_lt, axis=1)