Inflation Data Analysis

inflation, FRED, data analysis | 25 October 2023

Too much inflation can cause many problems, and can even bring down a society/nation.

Milton Frieman said that inflation is a disease, and that inflation is always everywhere a monetary phenomena, the result of too much money. It is more complicated than just about money. Other factors such as innovation, natural disaster, forces of nature, wars, and so on can all play important roles.

We had lived in a world with low inflation in the US coming out of a decade of less than 2.5% YoY inflation rate. China inflation rate is less than 4%, India 6%, and Japan only at 0.5%. It is hard to imagine how inflation possibly could get any worse than the current +7% in the US, and 5.8% in Europe (average) in the West. But it very well likely can.

Without referring to any specific hyperinflation country current or in history, it is worth nothing that one of the worst inflation that affected the US and most of the world is the 1970s.

The graph shows that most of the world has double digit annual inflation rate in the 1970s (note that China and the then-USSR were not measured)

World Annualized Inflation in 1970s. Source: Inflation by the Decades: 1970s, by: Steve H. Hanke and Tal Boger

In this post, I look at some data from FRED related to inflation. Here is a list I compile,, and will expand in the future. Note that the sources of original data came from government agencies, and organizations such as the IMF.

MEV frequency date
M2Sl monthly first of month
BASE bi-weekly 2019-12-18 00:00:00
M2V quarterly first of quarter
DCOILWTICO daily nan
PALLFNFINDEXQ quarterly first of quarter
CPIAUCSL monthly first of month
PPIACO monthly first of month
USSTHPI quarterly first of quarter
FEDFUNDS monthly first of month
DGS10 daily nan
TB3MS monthly first of month
UNRATE monthly first of month
GDP quarterly first of quarter
GDPC1 quarterly first of quarter
STLFSI weekly nan
VIXCLS daily nan

This post presents the data that shows too much money has inflicted inflation. The recent trends indicates that it is likely going to stay and get worse in time.

Money Suppy


MEV = 'M2Sl'^M
NAME = "m2"^M
m2 = get_series(MEV, NAME)
# The max happens on  m2   2021-12-01
# dtype: datetime64[ns]
#                   m2
# 2021-12-01 21638.100
# The min happens on  m2   1960-01-01
# dtype: datetime64[ns]
#                 m2
# 1960-01-01 298.200

M2 month over month change rate

M2 year over year change rate

Money velocity

M2 year over year change rate

1960-01-01 1.817
1960-04-01 1.797
1960-07-01 1.780
1960-10-01 1.737
1961-01-01 1.723

2020-10-01 1.134
2021-01-01 1.121
2021-04-01 1.119
2021-07-01 1.115
2021-10-01 1.120

The max happens on  m2v   1997-07-01

1997-07-01 2.192

The min happens on  m2v   2020-04-01
2020-04-01 1.100
 1960-04-01   -1.101
 1960-07-01   -0.946
 1960-10-01   -2.416
 1961-01-01   -0.806
 1961-04-01    0.116
 2020-10-01   -1.133
 2021-01-01   -1.146
 2021-04-01   -0.178
 2021-07-01   -0.357
 2021-10-01    0.448
 The max happens on  m2v_mom   2020-07-01
 dtype: datetime64[ns]
 2020-07-01    4.273
 The min happens on  m2v_mom   2020-04-01

Velocity of money month over month change rate

 m2v_yoy = level_to_yoy(m2v, NAME) 
 #             m2v_yoy
# 1963-01-01   -6.990
# 1963-04-01   -6.789
# 1963-07-01   -5.618
# 1963-10-01   -3.742
# 1964-01-01   -2.205
# The max happens on  m2v_yoy   1995-01-01
# dtype: datetime64[ns]
#             m2v_yoy
# 1995-01-01   14.995
# The min happens on  m2v_yoy   2021-07-01
# dtype: datetime64[ns]

Velocity of money year over year change rate


While alternative energy has been increasing, oil is still extremely important to the economy, not only as an energy source.

The most susceptible industries to oil prices are: food production (most fertilizers and pesticides are made of oil, tractors run on oil, and food distribution rely on oil), transportation, airline travels, consumer discretionary, chemicals, and some construction materials.
NAME = 'wti'
with open(file_mev, 'w') as f:
    f.write("WTI oil price")
wti = get_series(MEV, NAME)
wti = daily_to_monthly(wti, NAME)
wti_yoy = level_to_yoy(wti, NAME) 
wti_mom = level_to_mom(wti, NAME) # convert to yoy and plot

The latest data is as Febuary, 2022. The monthly average price is $91.2.

wti price

wti Month over Month

wti month over month change rate

wti Year over Year

wti year over year change rate

Global commodities

MEV = ‘PALLFNFINDEXQ’, or ‘PALLFNFINDEXM’ NAME = ‘commodities’ Latest data from Fred is as of 3Q2021. I used the quarterly data, but for the month over month plot, I used monthly data.

global commodities

Global Commodities Quarter over Quarter

global commodities_qoq

Global Commodities Year over Year

global commodities_yoy

Global Commodities Month over Month

global commodities_mom

The commodity index is highest in 2Q2011.

The highest spikes were in 1Q2021, in the midst of the pandemic. And the other extreme took place in 3Q2008 during the GFC.

DATE commodities Max_min DATE commodities_qoq Max_min DATE commodities_yoy Max_min DATE commodities_mom Max_min
2011-04-01 189.5 Max 2021-01-01 19.3 Max 2021-04-01 68 Max 2021-10-01 11.4 Max
2003-04-01 63.1 min 2008-10-01 -35.8 min 2009-04-01 -40.4 min 2008-10-01 -18.2 min

Quaterly data:

DATE commodities commodities_qoq commodities_yoy
2018-10-01 123.7 -5 3.3
2019-01-01 118.7 -4.1 -7.1
2019-04-01 119.8 1 -8.6
2019-07-01 115 -4 -11.7
2019-10-01 116.7 1.5 -5.7
2020-01-01 108.1 -7.4 -8.9
2020-04-01 91.7 -15.1 -23.4
2020-07-01 106.7 16.4 -7.1
2020-10-01 117.1 9.7 0.4
2021-01-01 139.7 19.3 29.3
2021-04-01 154.1 10.3 68
2021-07-01 167.5 8.7 56.9
2021-10-01 187.7 12.1 60.3

Monthly data

DATE commodities commodities_mom
2021-01-01 00:00:00 137.4 9.4
2021-02-01 00:00:00 140.6 2.3
2021-03-01 00:00:00 141.2 0.5
2021-04-01 00:00:00 145 2.7
2021-05-01 00:00:00 155.7 7.3
2021-06-01 00:00:00 161.7 3.9
2021-07-01 00:00:00 166.1 2.7
2021-08-01 00:00:00 163.8 -1.4
2021-09-01 00:00:00 172.7 5.4
2021-10-01 00:00:00 192.4 11.4
2021-11-01 00:00:00 183.8 -4.4
2021-12-01 00:00:00 186.9 1.7
2022-01-01 00:00:00 190.9 2.1

2. price

The CPI is the most important price gauge in the US, although PPI, HPI and labor costs are important as well.

The CPI data is monthly, HPI quarterly, and PPI data is monthly.


Prices have been increasing throughout time. Moderate inflation such as 2% annual rate has been considered as good for the economy as it encourages people to spend money (things are cheapter now than in the future) as opposed to saving and hoarding money, which happens if prices don’t increase or even decrease.

The latest CPI data as of writing is January 2022. Figure shows that over the preceeding month, the CPI increased by 1%. This is very significant. Because if we annualize it, it will be 12%, much higher than the 2% target. CPI

2021-09-01 274.214
2021-10-01 276.590
2021-11-01 278.524
2021-12-01 280.126
2022-01-01 281.933

CPI Month over Month

The max month over month growth rate happened in 1973-08. The rate was 1.8%, which is annualized at 21.6%! We know that 1973 was the year of the oil embargo from OPEC to the US. It was an “energy Pearl Harbor” per Nixon adviser.

The min happend in 2008-11, which was -1.77%, right after the collape of Lehman Brothers on September 15, 2008.

CPI Month over Month

CPI Year over Year

The YoY shown in chart has monthly resolution. For example, January 2022 CPI YoY growth rate compares January, 2022 with January of 2021.
“1-period +6%” means that the YoY growth rate has increased by 6% in January, 2022. In other words, inflation has sped up.

DATE cpi_yoy
2021-09-01 5.389
2021-10-01 6.236
2021-11-01 6.828
2021-12-01 7.096
2022-01-01 7.525

Note that the max cpi_mom happened on 1980-Q1, where the CPI jumped by 14.6%. One of the triggers could be the stoppage of Iranian oil productions in the early part of 1979, and the cutback of productions of OPEC, which kept the oil prices high. Aggrevating a situation of shorter supply is hoarding, which increases demand.

The smallest CPI month over month growth rate happened in 3Q2009, right in the GFC.

CPI Year over Year


The producer price index is a measure on how much it costs to produce goods. It is supposed to be a leading factor for CPI.

However, from the plot we can see that the recent rise in PPI is not monotonic, with December number smaller than November.

But the overall recent year PPI YOY is much higher than a year ago.


PPI Month over Month

PPI Month over Month

PPI Year over Year

PPI year over year

Date ppi PPI_mom ppi_yoy
2021-01-01 204.8 2.1 2.8
2021-02-01 210.6 2.8 7.1
2021-03-01 215 2.1 11.3
2021-04-01 217.9 1.3 17.5
2021-05-01 224.9 3.2 19.2
2021-06-01 228.9 1.8 19.7
2021-07-01 231.8 1.3 20.1
2021-08-01 233.4 0.7 20.1
2021-09-01 235.7 1 20.6
2021-10-01 240.4 2 22.4
2021-11-01 243.3 1.2 22.7
2021-12-01 241.2 -0.8 20.3
2022-01-01 244.3 1.3 19.3
The max happens on  PPI_mom   1973-08-01
dtype: datetime64[ns]
1973-08-01    5.791
The min happens on  PPI_mom   2008-10-01
dtype: datetime64[ns]
2008-10-01   -5.333
Date hpi_qoq Max_min Date hpi_yoy Max_min
2021-07-01 5.58 Max 2021-10-01 17.86 Max
2008-07-01 -3.15 min 2008-10-01 -7.14 min

cpi and ppi

cpi and ppi

cpi_mom and ppi_mom all data cpi_mom and ppi_mom all data

The chart above has a long history and it is hard to see. So, we take a shorter span.

cpi_mom and ppi_mom since 2006

cpi_mom and ppi_mom since 2006

cpi_yoy and ppi_yoy

cpi_yoy and ppi_yoy

wti and commodities and cpi

WTI and global commodities seem to have some cyclicality, whereas the CPI has a very strong trend, which is so strong that any cyclicality is not visible from the chart.

This tells that although rising oil and commodity prices can be a driver for inflation, but it is definitely not THE driver, nor the only driver. The real drivers are truly too much money and too much spending/demand relative to production.

This also tells that oil and commodities are subject to the law of demand and supply and have their cycles, as any industry. For instance, the insurance or banking industries have their cycles (e.g. insurance underwriting cycle and banking credit cycle).


Because CPI does not include house prices, we need to look at HPI to get a bigger picture, especially because housing price is a big part of where people spend their money.

The latest data is as of 4Q2021. Clearly in 2021 the prices rose dramatically.


HPI quarter over quarter

HPI year over year

  hpi hpi_qoq hpi_yoy
2019-10-01 445.4 0.9 5
2020-01-01 450.6 1.1 5.1
2020-04-01 455 1 4.4
2020-07-01 463 1.8 4.9
2020-10-01 473.2 2.2 6.2
2021-01-01 484.4 2.4 7.5
2021-04-01 511.1 5.5 12.3
2021-07-01 539.6 5.6 16.5
2021-10-01 557.7 3.4 17.9
Date hpi_qoq Max_min Date hpi_yoy Max_min
2021-07-01 5.58 Max 2021-10-01 17.86 Max
2008-07-01 -3.15 min 2008-10-01 -7.14 min


Fed funds rate

MEV = ‘FEDFUNDS’ NAME = ‘fedfunds’


Fed funds rate Month over Month

fedfunds month over month

Fed funds rate Year over Year

fedfunds year over year

  fedfunds fedfunds_mom fedfunds_yoy
2021-01-01 0.09 0 -94.194
2021-02-01 0.08 -11.111 -94.937
2021-03-01 0.07 -12.5 -89.231
2021-04-01 0.07 0 40
2021-05-01 0.06 -14.286 20
2021-06-01 0.08 33.333 0
2021-07-01 0.1 25 11.111
2021-08-01 0.09 -10 -10
2021-09-01 0.08 -11.111 -11.111
2021-10-01 0.08 0 -11.111
2021-11-01 0.08 0 -11.111
2021-12-01 0.08 0 -11.111
2022-01-01 0.08 0 -11.111
Date fedfunds Max_min Date fedfunds_mom Max_min Date fedfunds_yoy Max_min
1981-06-01 19.1 Max 2015-12-01 100 Max 2016-02-01 245.45 Max
2020-04-01 0.05 min 2020-04-01 -92.31 min 2020-04-01 -97.93 min

10-year treasury note yield

MEV = ‘DGS10’ NAME = ‘dgs10’


T10 Year over Year

T10 year over year

T10 Month over Month

T10 month over month

Date t10 Max_min Date t10_mom Max_min Date t10_yoy Max_min
1981-06-01 19.1 Max 2015-12-01 100 Max 2016-02-01 245.45 Max
2020-04-01 0.05 min 2020-04-01 -92.31 min 2020-04-01 -97.93 min
  t10 t10_mom t10_yoy
2021-01-01 00:00:00 0.1 0 -94.2
2021-02-01 00:00:00 0.1 -11.1 -94.9
2021-03-01 00:00:00 0.1 -12.5 -89.2
2021-04-01 00:00:00 0.1 0 40
2021-05-01 00:00:00 0.1 -14.3 20
2021-06-01 00:00:00 0.1 33.3 0
2021-07-01 00:00:00 0.1 25 11.1
2021-08-01 00:00:00 0.1 -10 -10
2021-09-01 00:00:00 0.1 -11.1 -11.1
2021-10-01 00:00:00 0.1 0 -11.1
2021-11-01 00:00:00 0.1 0 -11.1
2021-12-01 00:00:00 0.1 0 -11.1
2022-01-01 00:00:00 0.1 0 -11.1

The fed funds rate and t10 are very much moving together. But the fed funds rate movement are much bigger than t10.
fed funds and T10

3-month treasury bill yield

MEV = ‘TB3MS’ NAME = ‘tb3ms’ tb3ms

When looking at the YoY and Mom charts, don’t be overly alarmed by the seemingly astronomically large rates of change. The cause is that the denominators are very small.

3m Treasury Month over Month


3m Treasury Year over Year

tb3ms year over year

Similar to other rates, the maximum rates are in early 1981.

Besides the magnitude of rates themselves, we should also pay close attention to large rate changes and understand the reasons behind them.

Note the rates have been zero or near zero in 2021. Rates have been increasing in 2022 slowly.

Date tb3ms Max_min Date tb3ms_mom Max_min Date tb3ms_yoy Max_min
1981-05-01 16.3 Max 2015-11-01 500 Max 2016-10-01 1550 Max
2011-09-01 0.01 min 2008-12-01 -84.21 min 2008-12-01 -99 min

Recent 3m Treasury

DATE tb3ms tb3ms_mom tb3ms_yoy
2021-02-01 0 -50 -97.4
2021-03-01 0 -25 -89.7
2021-04-01 0 -33.3 -85.7
2021-05-01 0 0 -84.6
2021-06-01 0 100 -75
2021-07-01 0 25 -61.5
2021-08-01 0 0 -50
2021-09-01 0 -20 -63.6
2021-10-01 0 25 -50
2021-11-01 0 0 -44.4
2021-12-01 0.1 20 -33.3
2022-01-01 0.2 150 87.5
2022-02-01 0.3 120 725

High rate period of 3m Treasury

DATE tb3ms tb3ms_mom tb3ms_yoy
1979-06-01 9.06 -5.72 34.62
1979-07-01 9.24 1.99 31.81
1979-08-01 9.52 3.03 34.46
1979-09-01 10.26 7.77 30.7
1979-10-01 11.7 14.04 46.43
1979-11-01 11.79 0.77 36.46
1979-12-01 12.04 2.12 32.6
1980-01-01 12 -0.33 28.34
1980-02-01 12.86 7.17 37.98
1980-03-01 15.2 18.2 60.34
1980-04-01 13.2 -13.16 39.53
1980-05-01 8.58 -35 -10.72
1980-06-01 7.07 -17.6 -21.96
1980-07-01 8.06 14 -12.77
1980-08-01 9.13 13.28 -4.1
1980-09-01 10.27 12.49 0.1
1980-10-01 11.62 13.15 -0.68
1980-11-01 13.73 18.16 16.45
1980-12-01 15.49 12.82 28.65
1981-01-01 15.02 -3.03 25.17
1981-02-01 14.79 -1.53 15.01
1981-03-01 13.36 -9.67 -12.11
1981-04-01 13.69 2.47 3.71
1981-05-01 16.3 19.07 89.98
1981-06-01 14.73 -9.63 108.35

4. Economy

Unemployment rate


Unemployment Rate Month over Month

uem month over month

Unemployment Rate Year over Year

uem year over year

Unemployment Rate Extreme Values

Date uem Max_min Date uem_mom Max_min Date uem_yoy Max_min
2020-04-01 14.7 Max 2020-04-01 234.09 Max 2020-04-01 308.33 Max
1968-09-01 3.4 min 2020-08-01 -17.65 min 2021-04-01 -59.18 min

Recent Unemployment Rate

DATE uem uem_mom uem_yoy
2021-01-01 6.4 -4.5 82.9
2021-02-01 6.2 -3.1 77.1
2021-03-01 6 -3.2 36.4
2021-04-01 6 0 -59.2
2021-05-01 5.8 -3.3 -56.1
2021-06-01 5.9 1.7 -46.4
2021-07-01 5.4 -8.5 -47.1
2021-08-01 5.2 -3.7 -38.1
2021-09-01 4.7 -9.6 -40.5
2021-10-01 4.6 -2.1 -33.3
2021-11-01 4.2 -8.7 -37.3
2021-12-01 3.9 -7.1 -41.8
2022-01-01 4 2.6 -37.5

Unemployment Rate During High Rate Periods

DATE uem uem_mom uem_yoy
1979-01-01 5.9 -1.667 -7.812
1979-02-01 5.9 0 -6.349
1979-03-01 5.8 -1.695 -7.937
1979-04-01 5.8 0 -4.918
1979-05-01 5.6 -3.448 -6.667
1979-06-01 5.7 1.786 -3.39
1979-07-01 5.7 0 -8.065
1979-08-01 6 5.263 1.695
1979-09-01 5.9 -1.667 -1.667
1979-10-01 6 1.695 3.448
1979-11-01 5.9 -1.667 0
1979-12-01 6 1.695 0
1980-01-01 6.3 5 6.78
1980-02-01 6.3 0 6.78
1980-03-01 6.3 0 8.621
1980-04-01 6.9 9.524 18.966
1980-05-01 7.5 8.696 33.929
1980-06-01 7.6 1.333 33.333
1980-07-01 7.8 2.632 36.842
1980-08-01 7.7 -1.282 28.333
1980-09-01 7.5 -2.597 27.119
1980-10-01 7.5 0 25
1980-11-01 7.5 0 27.119
1980-12-01 7.2 -4 20
1981-01-01 7.5 4.167 19.048

Nominal GDP

gdp gdp year over year

Real GDP (inflation adjusted)

gdpc1 gdpc1 year over year

5. Financial stress and volatility

Financial stress

stlfsi stlfsi year over year


vixcls vixcls year over year

Complete Fed Funds History from Fred

  fedfunds fedfunds_mom fedfunds_yoy
1960-01-01 3.99 nan nan
1960-02-01 3.97 -0.5 nan
1960-03-01 3.84 -3.27 nan
1960-04-01 3.92 2.08 nan
1960-05-01 3.85 -1.79 nan
1960-06-01 3.32 -13.77 nan
1960-07-01 3.23 -2.71 nan
1960-08-01 2.98 -7.74 nan
1960-09-01 2.6 -12.75 nan
1960-10-01 2.47 -5 nan
1960-11-01 2.44 -1.21 nan
1960-12-01 1.98 -18.85 nan
1961-01-01 1.45 -26.77 -63.66
1961-02-01 2.54 75.17 -36.02
1961-03-01 2.02 -20.47 -47.4
1961-04-01 1.49 -26.24 -61.99
1961-05-01 1.98 32.89 -48.57
1961-06-01 1.73 -12.63 -47.89
1961-07-01 1.17 -32.37 -63.78
1961-08-01 2 70.94 -32.89
1961-09-01 1.88 -6 -27.69
1961-10-01 2.26 20.21 -8.5
1961-11-01 2.61 15.49 6.97
1961-12-01 2.33 -10.73 17.68
1962-01-01 2.15 -7.73 48.28
1962-02-01 2.37 10.23 -6.69
1962-03-01 2.85 20.25 41.09
1962-04-01 2.78 -2.46 86.58
1962-05-01 2.36 -15.11 19.19
1962-06-01 2.68 13.56 54.91
1962-07-01 2.71 1.12 131.62
1962-08-01 2.93 8.12 46.5
1962-09-01 2.9 -1.02 54.26
1962-10-01 2.9 0 28.32
1962-11-01 2.94 1.38 12.64
1962-12-01 2.93 -0.34 25.75
1963-01-01 2.92 -0.34 35.81
1963-02-01 3 2.74 26.58
1963-03-01 2.98 -0.67 4.56
1963-04-01 2.9 -2.68 4.32
1963-05-01 3 3.45 27.12
1963-06-01 2.99 -0.33 11.57
1963-07-01 3.02 1 11.44
1963-08-01 3.49 15.56 19.11
1963-09-01 3.48 -0.29 20
1963-10-01 3.5 0.57 20.69
1963-11-01 3.48 -0.57 18.37
1963-12-01 3.38 -2.87 15.36
1964-01-01 3.48 2.96 19.18
1964-02-01 3.48 0 16
1964-03-01 3.43 -1.44 15.1
1964-04-01 3.47 1.17 19.66
1964-05-01 3.5 0.86 16.67
1964-06-01 3.5 0 17.06
1964-07-01 3.42 -2.29 13.25
1964-08-01 3.5 2.34 0.29
1964-09-01 3.45 -1.43 -0.86
1964-10-01 3.36 -2.61 -4
1964-11-01 3.52 4.76 1.15
1964-12-01 3.85 9.38 13.91
1965-01-01 3.9 1.3 12.07
1965-02-01 3.98 2.05 14.37
1965-03-01 4.05 1.76 18.08
1965-04-01 4.09 0.99 17.87
1965-05-01 4.1 0.24 17.14
1965-06-01 4.05 -1.22 15.71
1965-07-01 4.09 0.99 19.59
1965-08-01 4.12 0.73 17.71
1965-09-01 4.02 -2.43 16.52
1965-10-01 4.08 1.49 21.43
1965-11-01 4.1 0.49 16.48
1965-12-01 4.32 5.37 12.21
1966-01-01 4.42 2.31 13.33
1966-02-01 4.6 4.07 15.58
1966-03-01 4.66 1.3 15.06
1966-04-01 4.67 0.21 14.18
1966-05-01 4.9 4.93 19.51
1966-06-01 5.17 5.51 27.65
1966-07-01 5.3 2.51 29.58
1966-08-01 5.53 4.34 34.22
1966-09-01 5.4 -2.35 34.33
1966-10-01 5.53 2.41 35.54
1966-11-01 5.76 4.16 40.49
1966-12-01 5.4 -6.25 25
1967-01-01 4.94 -8.52 11.76
1967-02-01 5 1.21 8.7
1967-03-01 4.53 -9.4 -2.79
1967-04-01 4.05 -10.6 -13.28
1967-05-01 3.94 -2.72 -19.59
1967-06-01 3.98 1.02 -23.02
1967-07-01 3.79 -4.77 -28.49
1967-08-01 3.9 2.9 -29.48
1967-09-01 3.99 2.31 -26.11
1967-10-01 3.88 -2.76 -29.84
1967-11-01 4.13 6.44 -28.3
1967-12-01 4.51 9.2 -16.48
1968-01-01 4.61 2.22 -6.68
1968-02-01 4.71 2.17 -5.8
1968-03-01 5.05 7.22 11.48
1968-04-01 5.76 14.06 42.22
1968-05-01 6.12 6.25 55.33
1968-06-01 6.07 -0.82 52.51
1968-07-01 6.03 -0.66 59.1
1968-08-01 6.03 0 54.62
1968-09-01 5.78 -4.15 44.86
1968-10-01 5.91 2.25 52.32
1968-11-01 5.82 -1.52 40.92
1968-12-01 6.02 3.44 33.48
1969-01-01 6.3 4.65 36.66
1969-02-01 6.61 4.92 40.34
1969-03-01 6.79 2.72 34.46
1969-04-01 7.41 9.13 28.65
1969-05-01 8.67 17 41.67
1969-06-01 8.9 2.65 46.62
1969-07-01 8.61 -3.26 42.79
1969-08-01 9.19 6.74 52.4
1969-09-01 9.15 -0.44 58.3
1969-10-01 9 -1.64 52.28
1969-11-01 8.85 -1.67 52.06
1969-12-01 8.97 1.36 49
1970-01-01 8.98 0.11 42.54
1970-02-01 8.98 0 35.85
1970-03-01 7.76 -13.59 14.29
1970-04-01 8.1 4.38 9.31
1970-05-01 7.95 -1.85 -8.3
1970-06-01 7.61 -4.28 -14.49
1970-07-01 7.21 -5.26 -16.26
1970-08-01 6.62 -8.18 -27.97
1970-09-01 6.29 -4.98 -31.26
1970-10-01 6.2 -1.43 -31.11
1970-11-01 5.6 -9.68 -36.72
1970-12-01 4.9 -12.5 -45.37
1971-01-01 4.14 -15.51 -53.9
1971-02-01 3.72 -10.14 -58.57
1971-03-01 3.71 -0.27 -52.19
1971-04-01 4.16 12.13 -48.64
1971-05-01 4.63 11.3 -41.76
1971-06-01 4.91 6.05 -35.48
1971-07-01 5.31 8.15 -26.35
1971-08-01 5.57 4.9 -15.86
1971-09-01 5.55 -0.36 -11.76
1971-10-01 5.2 -6.31 -16.13
1971-11-01 4.91 -5.58 -12.32
1971-12-01 4.14 -15.68 -15.51
1972-01-01 3.51 -15.22 -15.22
1972-02-01 3.3 -5.98 -11.29
1972-03-01 3.83 16.06 3.23
1972-04-01 4.17 8.88 0.24
1972-05-01 4.27 2.4 -7.78
1972-06-01 4.46 4.45 -9.16
1972-07-01 4.55 2.02 -14.31
1972-08-01 4.81 5.71 -13.64
1972-09-01 4.87 1.25 -12.25
1972-10-01 5.05 3.7 -2.88
1972-11-01 5.06 0.2 3.05
1972-12-01 5.33 5.34 28.74
1973-01-01 5.94 11.44 69.23
1973-02-01 6.58 10.77 99.39
1973-03-01 7.09 7.75 85.12
1973-04-01 7.12 0.42 70.74
1973-05-01 7.84 10.11 83.61
1973-06-01 8.49 8.29 90.36
1973-07-01 10.4 22.5 128.57
1973-08-01 10.5 0.96 118.3
1973-09-01 10.78 2.67 121.36
1973-10-01 10.01 -7.14 98.22
1973-11-01 10.03 0.2 98.22
1973-12-01 9.95 -0.8 86.68
1974-01-01 9.65 -3.02 62.46
1974-02-01 8.97 -7.05 36.32
1974-03-01 9.35 4.24 31.88
1974-04-01 10.51 12.41 47.61
1974-05-01 11.31 7.61 44.26
1974-06-01 11.93 5.48 40.52
1974-07-01 12.92 8.3 24.23
1974-08-01 12.01 -7.04 14.38
1974-09-01 11.34 -5.58 5.19
1974-10-01 10.06 -11.29 0.5
1974-11-01 9.45 -6.06 -5.78
1974-12-01 8.53 -9.74 -14.27
1975-01-01 7.13 -16.41 -26.11
1975-02-01 6.24 -12.48 -30.43
1975-03-01 5.54 -11.22 -40.75
1975-04-01 5.49 -0.9 -47.76
1975-05-01 5.22 -4.92 -53.85
1975-06-01 5.55 6.32 -53.48
1975-07-01 6.1 9.91 -52.79
1975-08-01 6.14 0.66 -48.88
1975-09-01 6.24 1.63 -44.97
1975-10-01 5.82 -6.73 -42.15
1975-11-01 5.22 -10.31 -44.76
1975-12-01 5.2 -0.38 -39.04
1976-01-01 4.87 -6.35 -31.7
1976-02-01 4.77 -2.05 -23.56
1976-03-01 4.84 1.47 -12.64
1976-04-01 4.82 -0.41 -12.2
1976-05-01 5.29 9.75 1.34
1976-06-01 5.48 3.59 -1.26
1976-07-01 5.31 -3.1 -12.95
1976-08-01 5.29 -0.38 -13.84
1976-09-01 5.25 -0.76 -15.87
1976-10-01 5.02 -4.38 -13.75
1976-11-01 4.95 -1.39 -5.17
1976-12-01 4.65 -6.06 -10.58
1977-01-01 4.61 -0.86 -5.34
1977-02-01 4.68 1.52 -1.89
1977-03-01 4.69 0.21 -3.1
1977-04-01 4.73 0.85 -1.87
1977-05-01 5.35 13.11 1.13
1977-06-01 5.39 0.75 -1.64
1977-07-01 5.42 0.56 2.07
1977-08-01 5.9 8.86 11.53
1977-09-01 6.14 4.07 16.95
1977-10-01 6.47 5.37 28.88
1977-11-01 6.51 0.62 31.52
1977-12-01 6.56 0.77 41.08
1978-01-01 6.7 2.13 45.34
1978-02-01 6.78 1.19 44.87
1978-03-01 6.79 0.15 44.78
1978-04-01 6.89 1.47 45.67
1978-05-01 7.36 6.82 37.57
1978-06-01 7.6 3.26 41
1978-07-01 7.81 2.76 44.1
1978-08-01 8.04 2.94 36.27
1978-09-01 8.45 5.1 37.62
1978-10-01 8.96 6.04 38.49
1978-11-01 9.76 8.93 49.92
1978-12-01 10.03 2.77 52.9
1979-01-01 10.07 0.4 50.3
1979-02-01 10.06 -0.1 48.38
1979-03-01 10.09 0.3 48.6
1979-04-01 10.01 -0.79 45.28
1979-05-01 10.24 2.3 39.13
1979-06-01 10.29 0.49 35.39
1979-07-01 10.47 1.75 34.06
1979-08-01 10.94 4.49 36.07
1979-09-01 11.43 4.48 35.27
1979-10-01 13.77 20.47 53.68
1979-11-01 13.18 -4.28 35.04
1979-12-01 13.78 4.55 37.39
1980-01-01 13.82 0.29 37.24
1980-02-01 14.13 2.24 40.46
1980-03-01 17.19 21.66 70.37
1980-04-01 17.61 2.44 75.92
1980-05-01 10.98 -37.65 7.23
1980-06-01 9.47 -13.75 -7.97
1980-07-01 9.03 -4.65 -13.75
1980-08-01 9.61 6.42 -12.16
1980-09-01 10.87 13.11 -4.9
1980-10-01 12.81 17.85 -6.97
1980-11-01 15.85 23.73 20.26
1980-12-01 18.9 19.24 37.16
1981-01-01 19.08 0.95 38.06
1981-02-01 15.93 -16.51 12.74
1981-03-01 14.7 -7.72 -14.49
1981-04-01 15.72 6.94 -10.73
1981-05-01 18.52 17.81 68.67
1981-06-01 19.1 3.13 101.69
1981-07-01 19.04 -0.31 110.85
1981-08-01 17.82 -6.41 85.43
1981-09-01 15.87 -10.94 46
1981-10-01 15.08 -4.98 17.72
1981-11-01 13.31 -11.74 -16.03
1981-12-01 12.37 -7.06 -34.55
1982-01-01 13.22 6.87 -30.71
1982-02-01 14.78 11.8 -7.22
1982-03-01 14.68 -0.68 -0.14
1982-04-01 14.94 1.77 -4.96
1982-05-01 14.45 -3.28 -21.98
1982-06-01 14.15 -2.08 -25.92
1982-07-01 12.59 -11.02 -33.88
1982-08-01 10.12 -19.62 -43.21
1982-09-01 10.31 1.88 -35.03
1982-10-01 9.71 -5.82 -35.61
1982-11-01 9.2 -5.25 -30.88
1982-12-01 8.95 -2.72 -27.65
1983-01-01 8.68 -3.02 -34.34
1983-02-01 8.51 -1.96 -42.42
1983-03-01 8.77 3.06 -40.26
1983-04-01 8.8 0.34 -41.1
1983-05-01 8.63 -1.93 -40.28
1983-06-01 8.98 4.06 -36.54
1983-07-01 9.37 4.34 -25.58
1983-08-01 9.56 2.03 -5.53
1983-09-01 9.45 -1.15 -8.34
1983-10-01 9.48 0.32 -2.37
1983-11-01 9.34 -1.48 1.52
1983-12-01 9.47 1.39 5.81
1984-01-01 9.56 0.95 10.14
1984-02-01 9.59 0.31 12.69
1984-03-01 9.91 3.34 13
1984-04-01 10.29 3.83 16.93
1984-05-01 10.32 0.29 19.58
1984-06-01 11.06 7.17 23.16
1984-07-01 11.23 1.54 19.85
1984-08-01 11.64 3.65 21.76
1984-09-01 11.3 -2.92 19.58
1984-10-01 9.99 -11.59 5.38
1984-11-01 9.43 -5.61 0.96
1984-12-01 8.38 -11.13 -11.51
1985-01-01 8.35 -0.36 -12.66
1985-02-01 8.5 1.8 -11.37
1985-03-01 8.58 0.94 -13.42
1985-04-01 8.27 -3.61 -19.63
1985-05-01 7.97 -3.63 -22.77
1985-06-01 7.53 -5.52 -31.92
1985-07-01 7.88 4.65 -29.83
1985-08-01 7.9 0.25 -32.13
1985-09-01 7.92 0.25 -29.91
1985-10-01 7.99 0.88 -20.02
1985-11-01 8.05 0.75 -14.63
1985-12-01 8.27 2.73 -1.31
1986-01-01 8.14 -1.57 -2.51
1986-02-01 7.86 -3.44 -7.53
1986-03-01 7.48 -4.83 -12.82
1986-04-01 6.99 -6.55 -15.48
1986-05-01 6.85 -2 -14.05
1986-06-01 6.92 1.02 -8.1
1986-07-01 6.56 -5.2 -16.75
1986-08-01 6.17 -5.95 -21.9
1986-09-01 5.89 -4.54 -25.63
1986-10-01 5.85 -0.68 -26.78
1986-11-01 6.04 3.25 -24.97
1986-12-01 6.91 14.4 -16.44
1987-01-01 6.43 -6.95 -21.01
1987-02-01 6.1 -5.13 -22.39
1987-03-01 6.13 0.49 -18.05
1987-04-01 6.37 3.92 -8.87
1987-05-01 6.85 7.54 0
1987-06-01 6.73 -1.75 -2.75
1987-07-01 6.58 -2.23 0.3
1987-08-01 6.73 2.28 9.08
1987-09-01 7.22 7.28 22.58
1987-10-01 7.29 0.97 24.62
1987-11-01 6.69 -8.23 10.76
1987-12-01 6.77 1.2 -2.03
1988-01-01 6.83 0.89 6.22
1988-02-01 6.58 -3.66 7.87
1988-03-01 6.58 0 7.34
1988-04-01 6.87 4.41 7.85
1988-05-01 7.09 3.2 3.5
1988-06-01 7.51 5.92 11.59
1988-07-01 7.75 3.2 17.78
1988-08-01 8.01 3.35 19.02
1988-09-01 8.19 2.25 13.43
1988-10-01 8.3 1.34 13.85
1988-11-01 8.35 0.6 24.81
1988-12-01 8.76 4.91 29.39
1989-01-01 9.12 4.11 33.53
1989-02-01 9.36 2.63 42.25
1989-03-01 9.85 5.24 49.7
1989-04-01 9.84 -0.1 43.23
1989-05-01 9.81 -0.3 38.36
1989-06-01 9.53 -2.85 26.9
1989-07-01 9.24 -3.04 19.23
1989-08-01 8.99 -2.71 12.23
1989-09-01 9.02 0.33 10.13
1989-10-01 8.84 -2 6.51
1989-11-01 8.55 -3.28 2.4
1989-12-01 8.45 -1.17 -3.54
1990-01-01 8.23 -2.6 -9.76
1990-02-01 8.24 0.12 -11.97
1990-03-01 8.28 0.49 -15.94
1990-04-01 8.26 -0.24 -16.06
1990-05-01 8.18 -0.97 -16.62
1990-06-01 8.29 1.34 -13.01
1990-07-01 8.15 -1.69 -11.8
1990-08-01 8.13 -0.25 -9.57
1990-09-01 8.2 0.86 -9.09
1990-10-01 8.11 -1.1 -8.26
1990-11-01 7.81 -3.7 -8.65
1990-12-01 7.31 -6.4 -13.49
1991-01-01 6.91 -5.47 -16.04
1991-02-01 6.25 -9.55 -24.15
1991-03-01 6.12 -2.08 -26.09
1991-04-01 5.91 -3.43 -28.45
1991-05-01 5.78 -2.2 -29.34
1991-06-01 5.9 2.08 -28.83
1991-07-01 5.82 -1.36 -28.59
1991-08-01 5.66 -2.75 -30.38
1991-09-01 5.45 -3.71 -33.54
1991-10-01 5.21 -4.4 -35.76
1991-11-01 4.81 -7.68 -38.41
1991-12-01 4.43 -7.9 -39.4
1992-01-01 4.03 -9.03 -41.68
1992-02-01 4.06 0.74 -35.04
1992-03-01 3.98 -1.97 -34.97
1992-04-01 3.73 -6.28 -36.89
1992-05-01 3.82 2.41 -33.91
1992-06-01 3.76 -1.57 -36.27
1992-07-01 3.25 -13.56 -44.16
1992-08-01 3.3 1.54 -41.7
1992-09-01 3.22 -2.42 -40.92
1992-10-01 3.1 -3.73 -40.5
1992-11-01 3.09 -0.32 -35.76
1992-12-01 2.92 -5.5 -34.09
1993-01-01 3.02 3.42 -25.06
1993-02-01 3.03 0.33 -25.37
1993-03-01 3.07 1.32 -22.86
1993-04-01 2.96 -3.58 -20.64
1993-05-01 3 1.35 -21.47
1993-06-01 3.04 1.33 -19.15
1993-07-01 3.06 0.66 -5.85
1993-08-01 3.03 -0.98 -8.18
1993-09-01 3.09 1.98 -4.04
1993-10-01 2.99 -3.24 -3.55
1993-11-01 3.02 1 -2.27
1993-12-01 2.96 -1.99 1.37
1994-01-01 3.05 3.04 0.99
1994-02-01 3.25 6.56 7.26
1994-03-01 3.34 2.77 8.79
1994-04-01 3.56 6.59 20.27
1994-05-01 4.01 12.64 33.67
1994-06-01 4.25 5.99 39.8
1994-07-01 4.26 0.24 39.22
1994-08-01 4.47 4.93 47.52
1994-09-01 4.73 5.82 53.07
1994-10-01 4.76 0.63 59.2
1994-11-01 5.29 11.13 75.17
1994-12-01 5.45 3.02 84.12
1995-01-01 5.53 1.47 81.31
1995-02-01 5.92 7.05 82.15
1995-03-01 5.98 1.01 79.04
1995-04-01 6.05 1.17 69.94
1995-05-01 6.01 -0.66 49.88
1995-06-01 6 -0.17 41.18
1995-07-01 5.85 -2.5 37.32
1995-08-01 5.74 -1.88 28.41
1995-09-01 5.8 1.05 22.62
1995-10-01 5.76 -0.69 21.01
1995-11-01 5.8 0.69 9.64
1995-12-01 5.6 -3.45 2.75
1996-01-01 5.56 -0.71 0.54
1996-02-01 5.22 -6.12 -11.82
1996-03-01 5.31 1.72 -11.2
1996-04-01 5.22 -1.69 -13.72
1996-05-01 5.24 0.38 -12.81
1996-06-01 5.27 0.57 -12.17
1996-07-01 5.4 2.47 -7.69
1996-08-01 5.22 -3.33 -9.06
1996-09-01 5.3 1.53 -8.62
1996-10-01 5.24 -1.13 -9.03
1996-11-01 5.31 1.34 -8.45
1996-12-01 5.29 -0.38 -5.54
1997-01-01 5.25 -0.76 -5.58
1997-02-01 5.19 -1.14 -0.57
1997-03-01 5.39 3.85 1.51
1997-04-01 5.51 2.23 5.56
1997-05-01 5.5 -0.18 4.96
1997-06-01 5.56 1.09 5.5
1997-07-01 5.52 -0.72 2.22
1997-08-01 5.54 0.36 6.13
1997-09-01 5.54 0 4.53
1997-10-01 5.5 -0.72 4.96
1997-11-01 5.52 0.36 3.95
1997-12-01 5.5 -0.36 3.97
1998-01-01 5.56 1.09 5.9
1998-02-01 5.51 -0.9 6.17
1998-03-01 5.49 -0.36 1.86
1998-04-01 5.45 -0.73 -1.09
1998-05-01 5.49 0.73 -0.18
1998-06-01 5.56 1.28 0
1998-07-01 5.54 -0.36 0.36
1998-08-01 5.55 0.18 0.18
1998-09-01 5.51 -0.72 -0.54
1998-10-01 5.07 -7.99 -7.82
1998-11-01 4.83 -4.73 -12.5
1998-12-01 4.68 -3.11 -14.91
1999-01-01 4.63 -1.07 -16.73
1999-02-01 4.76 2.81 -13.61
1999-03-01 4.81 1.05 -12.39
1999-04-01 4.74 -1.46 -13.03
1999-05-01 4.74 0 -13.66
1999-06-01 4.76 0.42 -14.39
1999-07-01 4.99 4.83 -9.93
1999-08-01 5.07 1.6 -8.65
1999-09-01 5.22 2.96 -5.26
1999-10-01 5.2 -0.38 2.56
1999-11-01 5.42 4.23 12.22
1999-12-01 5.3 -2.21 13.25
2000-01-01 5.45 2.83 17.71
2000-02-01 5.73 5.14 20.38
2000-03-01 5.85 2.09 21.62
2000-04-01 6.02 2.91 27
2000-05-01 6.27 4.15 32.28
2000-06-01 6.53 4.15 37.18
2000-07-01 6.54 0.15 31.06
2000-08-01 6.5 -0.61 28.21
2000-09-01 6.52 0.31 24.9
2000-10-01 6.51 -0.15 25.19
2000-11-01 6.51 0 20.11
2000-12-01 6.4 -1.69 20.75
2001-01-01 5.98 -6.56 9.72
2001-02-01 5.49 -8.19 -4.19
2001-03-01 5.31 -3.28 -9.23
2001-04-01 4.8 -9.6 -20.27
2001-05-01 4.21 -12.29 -32.85
2001-06-01 3.97 -5.7 -39.2
2001-07-01 3.77 -5.04 -42.35
2001-08-01 3.65 -3.18 -43.85
2001-09-01 3.07 -15.89 -52.91
2001-10-01 2.49 -18.89 -61.75
2001-11-01 2.09 -16.06 -67.9
2001-12-01 1.82 -12.92 -71.56
2002-01-01 1.73 -4.95 -71.07
2002-02-01 1.74 0.58 -68.31
2002-03-01 1.73 -0.57 -67.42
2002-04-01 1.75 1.16 -63.54
2002-05-01 1.75 0 -58.43
2002-06-01 1.75 0 -55.92
2002-07-01 1.73 -1.14 -54.11
2002-08-01 1.74 0.58 -52.33
2002-09-01 1.75 0.57 -43
2002-10-01 1.75 0 -29.72
2002-11-01 1.34 -23.43 -35.89
2002-12-01 1.24 -7.46 -31.87
2003-01-01 1.24 0 -28.32
2003-02-01 1.26 1.61 -27.59
2003-03-01 1.25 -0.79 -27.75
2003-04-01 1.26 0.8 -28
2003-05-01 1.26 0 -28
2003-06-01 1.22 -3.17 -30.29
2003-07-01 1.01 -17.21 -41.62
2003-08-01 1.03 1.98 -40.8
2003-09-01 1.01 -1.94 -42.29
2003-10-01 1.01 0 -42.29
2003-11-01 1 -0.99 -25.37
2003-12-01 0.98 -2 -20.97
2004-01-01 1 2.04 -19.35
2004-02-01 1.01 1 -19.84
2004-03-01 1 -0.99 -20
2004-04-01 1 0 -20.63
2004-05-01 1 0 -20.63
2004-06-01 1.03 3 -15.57
2004-07-01 1.26 22.33 24.75
2004-08-01 1.43 13.49 38.83
2004-09-01 1.61 12.59 59.41
2004-10-01 1.76 9.32 74.26
2004-11-01 1.93 9.66 93
2004-12-01 2.16 11.92 120.41
2005-01-01 2.28 5.56 128
2005-02-01 2.5 9.65 147.52
2005-03-01 2.63 5.2 163
2005-04-01 2.79 6.08 179
2005-05-01 3 7.53 200
2005-06-01 3.04 1.33 195.15
2005-07-01 3.26 7.24 158.73
2005-08-01 3.5 7.36 144.76
2005-09-01 3.62 3.43 124.84
2005-10-01 3.78 4.42 114.77
2005-11-01 4 5.82 107.25
2005-12-01 4.16 4 92.59
2006-01-01 4.29 3.12 88.16
2006-02-01 4.49 4.66 79.6
2006-03-01 4.59 2.23 74.52
2006-04-01 4.79 4.36 71.68
2006-05-01 4.94 3.13 64.67
2006-06-01 4.99 1.01 64.14
2006-07-01 5.24 5.01 60.74
2006-08-01 5.25 0.19 50
2006-09-01 5.25 0 45.03
2006-10-01 5.25 0 38.89
2006-11-01 5.25 0 31.25
2006-12-01 5.24 -0.19 25.96
2007-01-01 5.25 0.19 22.38
2007-02-01 5.26 0.19 17.15
2007-03-01 5.26 0 14.6
2007-04-01 5.25 -0.19 9.6
2007-05-01 5.25 0 6.28
2007-06-01 5.25 0 5.21
2007-07-01 5.26 0.19 0.38
2007-08-01 5.02 -4.56 -4.38
2007-09-01 4.94 -1.59 -5.9
2007-10-01 4.76 -3.64 -9.33
2007-11-01 4.49 -5.67 -14.48
2007-12-01 4.24 -5.57 -19.08
2008-01-01 3.94 -7.08 -24.95
2008-02-01 2.98 -24.37 -43.35
2008-03-01 2.61 -12.42 -50.38
2008-04-01 2.28 -12.64 -56.57
2008-05-01 1.98 -13.16 -62.29
2008-06-01 2 1.01 -61.9
2008-07-01 2.01 0.5 -61.79
2008-08-01 2 -0.5 -60.16
2008-09-01 1.81 -9.5 -63.36
2008-10-01 0.97 -46.41 -79.62
2008-11-01 0.39 -59.79 -91.31
2008-12-01 0.16 -58.97 -96.23
2009-01-01 0.15 -6.25 -96.19
2009-02-01 0.22 46.67 -92.62
2009-03-01 0.18 -18.18 -93.1
2009-04-01 0.15 -16.67 -93.42
2009-05-01 0.18 20 -90.91
2009-06-01 0.21 16.67 -89.5
2009-07-01 0.16 -23.81 -92.04
2009-08-01 0.16 0 -92
2009-09-01 0.15 -6.25 -91.71
2009-10-01 0.12 -20 -87.63
2009-11-01 0.12 0 -69.23
2009-12-01 0.12 0 -25
2010-01-01 0.11 -8.33 -26.67
2010-02-01 0.13 18.18 -40.91
2010-03-01 0.16 23.08 -11.11
2010-04-01 0.2 25 33.33
2010-05-01 0.2 0 11.11
2010-06-01 0.18 -10 -14.29
2010-07-01 0.18 0 12.5
2010-08-01 0.19 5.56 18.75
2010-09-01 0.19 0 26.67
2010-10-01 0.19 0 58.33
2010-11-01 0.19 0 58.33
2010-12-01 0.18 -5.26 50
2011-01-01 0.17 -5.56 54.55
2011-02-01 0.16 -5.88 23.08
2011-03-01 0.14 -12.5 -12.5
2011-04-01 0.1 -28.57 -50
2011-05-01 0.09 -10 -55
2011-06-01 0.09 0 -50
2011-07-01 0.07 -22.22 -61.11
2011-08-01 0.1 42.86 -47.37
2011-09-01 0.08 -20 -57.89
2011-10-01 0.07 -12.5 -63.16
2011-11-01 0.08 14.29 -57.89
2011-12-01 0.07 -12.5 -61.11
2012-01-01 0.08 14.29 -52.94
2012-02-01 0.1 25 -37.5
2012-03-01 0.13 30 -7.14
2012-04-01 0.14 7.69 40
2012-05-01 0.16 14.29 77.78
2012-06-01 0.16 0 77.78
2012-07-01 0.16 0 128.57
2012-08-01 0.13 -18.75 30
2012-09-01 0.14 7.69 75
2012-10-01 0.16 14.29 128.57
2012-11-01 0.16 0 100
2012-12-01 0.16 0 128.57
2013-01-01 0.14 -12.5 75
2013-02-01 0.15 7.14 50
2013-03-01 0.14 -6.67 7.69
2013-04-01 0.15 7.14 7.14
2013-05-01 0.11 -26.67 -31.25
2013-06-01 0.09 -18.18 -43.75
2013-07-01 0.09 0 -43.75
2013-08-01 0.08 -11.11 -38.46
2013-09-01 0.08 0 -42.86
2013-10-01 0.09 12.5 -43.75
2013-11-01 0.08 -11.11 -50
2013-12-01 0.09 12.5 -43.75
2014-01-01 0.07 -22.22 -50
2014-02-01 0.07 0 -53.33
2014-03-01 0.08 14.29 -42.86
2014-04-01 0.09 12.5 -40
2014-05-01 0.09 0 -18.18
2014-06-01 0.1 11.11 11.11
2014-07-01 0.09 -10 0
2014-08-01 0.09 0 12.5
2014-09-01 0.09 0 12.5
2014-10-01 0.09 0 0
2014-11-01 0.09 0 12.5
2014-12-01 0.12 33.33 33.33
2015-01-01 0.11 -8.33 57.14
2015-02-01 0.11 0 57.14
2015-03-01 0.11 0 37.5
2015-04-01 0.12 9.09 33.33
2015-05-01 0.12 0 33.33
2015-06-01 0.13 8.33 30
2015-07-01 0.13 0 44.44
2015-08-01 0.14 7.69 55.56
2015-09-01 0.14 0 55.56
2015-10-01 0.12 -14.29 33.33
2015-11-01 0.12 0 33.33
2015-12-01 0.24 100 100
2016-01-01 0.34 41.67 209.09
2016-02-01 0.38 11.76 245.45
2016-03-01 0.36 -5.26 227.27
2016-04-01 0.37 2.78 208.33
2016-05-01 0.37 0 208.33
2016-06-01 0.38 2.7 192.31
2016-07-01 0.39 2.63 200
2016-08-01 0.4 2.56 185.71
2016-09-01 0.4 0 185.71
2016-10-01 0.4 0 233.33
2016-11-01 0.41 2.5 241.67
2016-12-01 0.54 31.71 125
2017-01-01 0.65 20.37 91.18
2017-02-01 0.66 1.54 73.68
2017-03-01 0.79 19.7 119.44
2017-04-01 0.9 13.92 143.24
2017-05-01 0.91 1.11 145.95
2017-06-01 1.04 14.29 173.68
2017-07-01 1.15 10.58 194.87
2017-08-01 1.16 0.87 190
2017-09-01 1.15 -0.86 187.5
2017-10-01 1.15 0 187.5
2017-11-01 1.16 0.87 182.93
2017-12-01 1.3 12.07 140.74
2018-01-01 1.41 8.46 116.92
2018-02-01 1.42 0.71 115.15
2018-03-01 1.51 6.34 91.14
2018-04-01 1.69 11.92 87.78
2018-05-01 1.7 0.59 86.81
2018-06-01 1.82 7.06 75
2018-07-01 1.91 4.95 66.09
2018-08-01 1.91 0 64.66
2018-09-01 1.95 2.09 69.57
2018-10-01 2.19 12.31 90.43
2018-11-01 2.2 0.46 89.66
2018-12-01 2.27 3.18 74.62
2019-01-01 2.4 5.73 70.21
2019-02-01 2.4 0 69.01
2019-03-01 2.41 0.42 59.6
2019-04-01 2.42 0.41 43.2
2019-05-01 2.39 -1.24 40.59
2019-06-01 2.38 -0.42 30.77
2019-07-01 2.4 0.84 25.65
2019-08-01 2.13 -11.25 11.52
2019-09-01 2.04 -4.23 4.62
2019-10-01 1.83 -10.29 -16.44
2019-11-01 1.55 -15.3 -29.55
2019-12-01 1.55 0 -31.72
2020-01-01 1.55 0 -35.42
2020-02-01 1.58 1.94 -34.17
2020-03-01 0.65 -58.86 -73.03
2020-04-01 0.05 -92.31 -97.93
2020-05-01 0.05 0 -97.91
2020-06-01 0.08 60 -96.64
2020-07-01 0.09 12.5 -96.25
2020-08-01 0.1 11.11 -95.31
2020-09-01 0.09 -10 -95.59
2020-10-01 0.09 0 -95.08
2020-11-01 0.09 0 -94.19
2020-12-01 0.09 0 -94.19
2021-01-01 0.09 0 -94.19
2021-02-01 0.08 -11.11 -94.94
2021-03-01 0.07 -12.5 -89.23
2021-04-01 0.07 0 40
2021-05-01 0.06 -14.29 20
2021-06-01 0.08 33.33 0
2021-07-01 0.1 25 11.11
2021-08-01 0.09 -10 -10
2021-09-01 0.08 -11.11 -11.11
2021-10-01 0.08 0 -11.11
2021-11-01 0.08 0 -11.11
2021-12-01 0.08 0 -11.11
2022-01-01 0.08 0 -11.11


I use the following code to get data from FRED and plot the data.
import as web    # pandas 0.19.x and later
from datetime import datetime
file_mev = 'mev_inflation.txt'
def get_series(MEV, NAME):
    df =web.DataReader(MEV, "fred", start, end)
    df[NAME] = np.where(df[NAME]==0., np.nan, df[NAME])
    df.dropna(axis=0, inplace=True)
    df.to_excel('./data/%s.xlsx'%MEV) # need index which are dates
    with open(file_mev, 'w') as f:
        f.write("%s %s"%(MEV, NAME))
        f.write("The max happens on %s"%df.idxmax())
        f.write("The min happens on %s"%df.idxmin())
    print("The max happens on ", df.idxmax())
    print("The min happens on ", df.idxmin())
    return df